Airtec Sprayers keep inventory on hand for a wide range of spray parts and components so customers can receive any parts needed directly from Airtec. Airtec uses components from name brand spraying system providers allowing for easy sourcing and replacement for any parts needed to keep your sprayer running.
Airtec works with several vendors on an OEM basis for spraying operating components including pumps, valves, rate controllers, mapping, spray assistance systems, electric over hydraulic controls, and PTO drivelines. The component systems supported and installed on Airtec sprayers include:
- Airtec utilizes off the shelf spray components from Ace Pumps, Banjo Fittings, Hypro, and Tee Jet Spraying Systems water valves.
- Airtec factory installs Tee Jet Radion rate controllers and Matrix GPS mapping systems. These allow you to spray the exact targeted rate while simultaneously tracking exactly where you are in the field. Airtec Sprayers can also be fully integrated with all major 3rd party rate controllers and mapping systems.
- Copper Ionization System – This system has an electrically charged copper flow cell in line so that all spray material passes through the flow cell. The control box charges the flow cell the flow cell striping off a small amount of positive copper ions that are then adhered to the spray particle once it is sprayed.
- Electric Over Hydraulics control the boom hydraulic operating cylinders with either a switchbox or joystick controller depending on the tractor setup of the customer.
- Airtec uses Bondioli and Pavesi PTO drivelines that are designed specifically for each model of sprayer including CV Shafts, Straight PTO Shafts, and Turning Hitch PTO shafts. Airtec stocks a all parts necessary to rebuild the PTO shafts including shield kits, CV Joints, Cross Kits, and others.